Calendula, Common Marigold, Jin Zhan Ju

Calendula Officinalis

The power of the sun is packed into the bright yellow and orange flowers of Calendula. A member of the Asteraceae family, it has flavonoids, tannins: essential and volatile oils that have strong tissue healing properties. A versatile herb, used widely in Western herbal medicine, calendula is also cleansing and detoxifying, which can help clear infection and astringe the capillaries.

Parts Used:

dried and fresh flowers

Key Actions & Healing Properties:

  • Cleansing & Detoxifying
  • Astringent
  • Mildly estrogenic
  • Stops bleeding
  • Wound healing; eczema, acne, diaper rash, psoriasis and skin conditions
  • Anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, antiseptic